Management Organisation Chart | Our strategy | The Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct
Código de Conducta

The Code of Conduct is the document that defines the principle ethics of AgrupaEjido’s business. It also defines the commitments and responsibilities of our employees.

AgrupaEjido is a pioneer in the establishment of Corporate Social Responsibility conducts and policies for horticultural companies. We guarantee that strict ethical rules will be complied with for the benefit of both the farmers that we work with and the companies who we send our products to.

The Code of Conduct is a public document and AgrupaEjido employs various measures to improve its diffusion and to make it more easily accessible.

Download the Code of Conduct in Pdf format
Ctra. De Las Norias, 5 y 7 .- Pol. El Olivo 04745 La Mojonera - Almería TEL.: 950 33 99 00 - FAX: 950 33 99 51